Who We Are
Klamath County Economic Development (KCEDA) is the lead economic development organization with a mission to drive economic development and diversification of Klamath County through aggressive marketing, targeted recruitment, business retention/expansion, and strategic initiatives. KCEDA works continually to build a healthy Klamath, taking on the responsibility of planning, designing, and implementing strategies that can help improve our community, while also being funded and acting as a central partner to both private and public sector entities. We are a proactive force in creating a dynamic economic climate.

Clearing Red Tape
One benefit of relocating here is the fast-track help you’ll receive in expediting newly permitted projects. We know which paths lead to Yes, where the support is, and how to access it. One call to KCEDA gets you connected with people who can move the process forward efficiently. Oregon state law limits the time it can take to process a permit, and compared to California, we have fewer departmental reviews.
Enterprise Zone
Klamath offers Enterprise Zone incentive packages, which can save qualified businesses on property taxes.

OTJ Funds
Klamath Falls has a local office representing WorkSource Oregon, which helps businesses tap into On the Job Training (OTJ) funds, up to 50 percent of the wage rate for new employees in training. While OTJ stems from the U.S. Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the state of Oregon invested an additional $3.28 million in “Back to Work Oregon,” matching the local WIA boards. Oregon has been especially effective in maximizing OTJ for the good businesses and workers.

Low Cost Loans for Rural American Businesses
Several small and large business loan programs are specially designed for rural Oregon employers. In fact, businesses in Klamath County get priority consideration for low-cost loans from Business Oregon, a state agency responsible for processing the loan applications. Your business may qualify for a low cost loan if it will be creating jobs in Klamath County and you need financing for non-speculative land purchase, new buildings, machinery and equipment, or start-up and working capital.

Favorable Workers Comp Rates
Setting up business here means you will find more favorable Worker’s Compensation Tax Rate most other states, saving your business costly premiums. Oregon is one of only 10 states with workers’ compensation premium index rates under $1.50, among the best in the nation. In fact, the Oregon average pure premium rates have decreased in 8 of the last 10 years.

We’ll Connect You to Clean, Renewable Energy
Klamath is a Known Geothermal Resource Area (KGRA). KCEDA can connect you to the experts about this local, clean, renewable energy source. Geothermal heat is currently being used to melt snow and ice on city sidewalks and crosswalks and as a primary heating source for numerous buildings including Oregon Tech, Sky Lakes Medical Center, YMCA, public schools, the city pool, fabrication facilities, and numerous government buildings and private residences.

Urban Renewal District
A developer has the potential to recoup a considerable amount of financing through this approved Urban Renewal District. Up to $7.5 million is still available through this URD, which means tremendous investment potential.
Favorable Tax Structure
Oregon has considerably lower state and local tax rates compared to neighboring California. Additionally, Klamath Falls draws purchasers from four counties across two states, not only because Klamath Falls is larger than all towns in a 60-mile radius, but because Oregon has no sales tax.